With my full schedule during the school year, I often don’t MAKE the time to read. And I LOVE reading so each summer, I try to fill my reading bucket back up by cramming in multiple books that have been on my list for far too long. Here is what I have lined up this Summer for books related to personal and professional development. I also love weekly visits to the library to grab some light fiction reads and encourage my littles to keep reading over the summer. Have you read any of these? I am most looking forward to reading “Essentialism” as I have heard it mentioned over and over again in different podcasts that I listen to on my daily walks.The following picture is brought to you by my daughter’s first school fundraiser that she was VERY excited to participate in and earn prizes from. To earn some prizes, hubby and I subscribed to a few different magazines to bridge the gap. And here they are, all piled up and untouched….ready for long drives in the car, camping trips, and a few lazy days on our new porch soaking up the sun. Even though I can read the content online, I still really love bookmarking pages, ripping them out and saving them for future uses, and a physical copy in my hand. Currently, I am reading In Style, Traditional Home, Health, Oprah Magazine, Family Fun, and Better Homes and Gardens.
If you saw my Instagram post from a few nights ago, I also just discovered Happinez and Project Calm (from the makers of Mollie Makes) that I really like too. Happy summer reading everyone!!!