Wonders take over the blog – Mama’s birthday edition

kids birthdayWith my birthday quickly approaching, I thought it would be fun to test WG and WB on how well they know their Mama (or more realistically, what they do not know but will create amusing exaggerations about).

WonderGIRL’s interview (age 13)
What is Mama’s favorite color? Red
Favorite food? Lasagna
What does Mama like doing with her girlfriends? She goes out and gets a drink and likes to go to the beach with them.
What is Mama’s idea of a perfect date with Scott? Going to a really nice reservation with a hot tub and you smooch a lot and hold hands. And he twirls Mama around.
What did Mama like to do when she was your age? She liked to go to the mall and have sleepovers with her friends or meet them at the park.
Who is Mama’s hero and why? Scott is her hero because he protects her, loves on her, and gives her smooches.
What would Mama do if she won the lottery? She would scream and then she would probably buy us a mansion.
What is one of Mama’s goals? To adopt us and become the president of the United States. Oh ya and to win the state championship in volleyball.
Name one of Mama’s favorite memories from her last 33 years. Getting us – when we first came to live at her house.

WonderBOY’s interview (age 7)
What is Mama’s favorite color? Grey
Favorite food? Spaghetti
What does Mama like doing with her girlfriends? Go to the mall and buy clothes and shoes.
What is Mama’s idea of a perfect date with Scott? She would go out probably to Kyotos and then they would go get a treat and kiss.
What did Mama like to do when she was your age? She liked to play with Scott and be a kid.
Who is Mama’s hero and why? Scott because you love him.
What would Mama do if she won the lottery? Probably spend it on (looks around the kitchen)…..a new volleyball court.
What is one of Mama’s goals? Working and taking care of me and putting me to bed. (apparently we need to talk about reaching for the stars,dream big, etc. with our goals with this kiddo!)
Name one of Mama’s favorite memories from her last 33 years. Going to her wedding and thinking about our wishes in the balloons. And Mama wished for kids and she got them!

Want to take the quiz? Put your answers in the comments below!