Early last year, I saw the idea of a house assistant from an oily leader I follow and was immediately intrigued. While I don’t necessarily make enough to justify hiring someone to do this full time, I know that my mental health would significantly improve if I could “outsource” small little projects and goals I have each week that tend to always be on my list and never get checked off.
WonderGIRL hasn’t been cleared to work quite yet since her spinal fusion surgery in September but has quite the itch to start earning and saving money. And since she has turned 18, we are starting the process of transitioning to experience what it’s like to pay bills, rent, etc. practice which you can’t practice if you don’t earn money!! Which led to my idea to have WG start some hours each week as our house assistant…..
The interview process – I “posted” the job for her to read and then she called and asked for an interview. We are trying to really simulate an actual working environment versus just glorified chores whenever she can fit in….hence the silly interviews.
She has worked for two weeks now (two shifts per week) and I think this might be my best parenting idea YET! I have found that I am more motivated to clean/get projects done when I make a list for her shifts and then the mental health and clarity I feel when said projects are completed has been huge for me!!!
Don’t tell her this but basically her list each week consists of things I know I should do around the house but basically don’t want to or have been putting off – then when it’s done, I think “Oh ya!!! that’s why I put that on my list way back when!!”

My goal this month was to PRIORITIZE….my time, my spaces, and people – and sometimes this prioritizing means you have to hack other parts of your world that are taking away from those priorities.
So….just an idea of any of you with a teen in your house that is not finding work OR other mamas (especially with network marketing businesses – what she does for my oils gig (organizing and creating samples, mail, filing paperwork, cleaning supply room, etc.) has been life changing. And if you don’t think someone in your own family might fit the bill for what you need, maybe think about hiring out – so many wonderful humans out there right now that might need work.
And then the payoff – what she bought with her own money recently!!!