Technology and screens can get a bad wrap when connected with children these days…..but there are some amazing apps out there that have been a huge help to our kiddos (and us) in our crazy household. So just in case you haven’t heard of these gems….here are our favorites to check out and add to your phones/tablets ASAP.
Emotions/Breathing Apps:
Calm – This is a game changer not only in our house but in my classroom as well. There is a charge (totally worth it IMO) to get access to ALL of the meditations but the free version is pretty awesome as well. You can choose your background scene and music and then pick from a huge variety of topics, choose the time you have, and then this lovely serene voice will walk you through progressive relaxation and affirmations. All of the meditations are appropriate for children BUT they just added Calm Kids with the cutest little meditation stories ever, especially for sleep.Breathe, Think, Do with Sesame Street (for ages 3-6) – great resource for helping children with frustrations and problem-solving. The child helps the monster take belly breaths and I always watch the younger children breathing with them as they play this game. Love it!
Education/Learning Apps:
My Spelling List – this app is wonderful if your child has a weekly spelling list. You enter the words and spell them correctly with your voice….then your child can play games with those words and take practice tests. This has been a huge help to our 2nd grade WonderBOY and we can take his spelling practice on the road with us which is always helpful for us as we spend a lot of time in our car traveling to work/school and home.
**I couldn’t actually find this app on iTunes this time around so it was possibly eliminated but this one is very similar.**
KIZZU Letter Book – For beginner (or struggling) writers….this app provides repetition in correctly forming letters using their finger and the touchscreen. I like this handwriting app more than others because it does not give “points” or stars unless the child correctly forms the letter, even if the letter looks how it is supposed to in the end. They also have a number workbook which is helpful as well. Both of my kiddos (middle school WG included) really enjoy this app.
And for adults – Photos/Video Apps:
Google photos – Need a space to store all those adorable kiddo and life photos? Hate deleting them off your phone like I do? This is a great solution and is completely free! This app automatically organizes them and backs them up so then you can access them from any device (perfect for people that don’t use Apple products across the board with their iphone).
1se – As many of you have seen, I am attempting to capture 1 second of our lives each and every day this year. This app has been a huge help in doing so and it saves my video clips so I don’t have to keep them saved on my phone. Some people are just showcasing one week at a time, others months, and I can’t wait for my year end 4:00ish minute video to see what a crazy ride our years always are! This example below are all clips from one vacation – perfect for this summer as some of you embark on your own epic adventures!