Have a teenager with braces in your life??? Here are a few “life with braces” hacks that have made my WonderGIRL not only manage her braces with ease but with minimal discomfort. Just in case this might help you too….here ya go!Life hack 1: The food stuck…..the floss is painfully tedious……the solution? The waterpik is an awesome tool to help
lazy overly stressed teens get that food out of there and floss (PSA from my sis-in-law dental hygienist – dental floss is still WAY better but just in case, the pik is better than nothing). After the flossing though, there is always food bits stuck all over her sink. Soooo gross……
Hack #2: We got these cheap brushes at IKEA and keeping one by her sink encourages a quick wash every night versus hard scrubbing days after. Win-win!
Hack #3: After getting her braces tightened, the ensuing pain is always hard. For our little one, this pain can be extremely distracting during school and makes it even more of a negative impact. We did some research and used the clove essential oil to make a quick spray she can spray onto her gums/teeth to numb the pain. Deep blue on the outside of her jawline also helps ease this pain and discomfort. She can bring these tools with her to school also which helps with the distraction piece.I can’t believe how much her smile and face has changed as a result of her year in braces. She is going to look so much older when she gets them off in a few months!!!