Podcasts I love….

I do a lot of driving. A lot. Back and forth to work, into/home from volleyball, appointments in Bellingham at least once a week, etc. Also, I hate driving. A lot.

Two things that make this driving a little bit better is how much I love Penelope the Prius (my spaceship car) AND that I can stream my favorite Podcasts through the speakers. Listening to these amazing ladies share inspiring stories, interviews, and general life awesomeness really helps make the drive go a bit quicker and aids in some self-care and balance (especially when the bickering little ones aren’t in the back). These weekly shows help me appreciate the here and now of my simple little life and spread some internet greatness to geek out on when I return home in the evening.

  1. Jess Lively hosts The Lively Show. She publishes two shows a week and have yet to be disappointed with content aimed at generally just improving your life satisfaction. Her guests are always awe-inspiring (hello Elizabeth Gilbert, author of Eat, Pray Love????) and I just love her vibe. I so wish I lived in North Carolina to meet her and become lifetime besties.


2. Many of my scrappy friends know that I have been following my favorite scrapper/blogger, Elise Joy for 10+ years. Her blog content focuses on general homemaking, small business ventures, and Mommy adventures but her podcast generally focuses on small business and blogging. Even though I am not fully engaged in those two arenas, I love her voice and perspective and usually get inspired to be more creative in my daily live after listening to her podcasts. She just had a beautiful new baby girl, so her show is on repeats, but in my opinion, some of these oldies are the best ones!!IMG_3344 3. Lena Dunham’s new “Women of the Hour” podcast is only 5 episodes long but they are long and so worth a listen. She has a variety of hilarious, but uber intelligent ladies on her show to talk about all things women. Her episode on Friendship had me missing and appreciating so many amazing girlfriends I have in my life and her most recent on the relationship between women and their bodies was thought-provoking to say the least. She also has an email newsletter that I haven’t jumped into yet, but am intrigued to start.IMG_3342Podcasts seem to be the next “blog” phenomenon of the social media world so perhaps I will join that party in oh….about 10 years since that seems to be how “on trend” I am in with regards to social media these days. Do you listen to any podcasts? Please share….I’d love to check them out.