This Christmas season feels different and a little melancholy for me….this year has certainly had it’s ups and downs and at one point, we were preparing for a big transition as a family. Not good or bad, just a transition that now isn’t happening. With one adult child out of the home and a teenager that has his own feelings about Christmas (mostly around going to event after event which is historically hard for him and both our kiddos with trauma – read more about Christmas as a foster family here).
Our 2022 Christmas card filled with highlights (and WonderBOY not smiling).
So I thought I would take a moment and reflect on some of my favorite Christmas moments throughout my 40 years of life that still hold a special place in my memories.
Childhood moments –
Special presents I remember opening: our family trip to Disneyland (mickey ear hats), my first cell phone at age 20, accessories for my American Girl doll Samantha, small creepy porcelain clowns (my mom wanted me to collect them?)
Walking out to the tree Christmas morning always stands out to me as my Mom did a wonderful job displaying all of the presents that magically appeared seem so magical – I still love looking at presents under the tree and try to wrap them early so I can gaze at them from my morning coffee chair
My older brother and I knowing where my Mom hid our presents and sneakily opening the carefully taped ends to get a peek before Christmas morning (sorry Mom)
Presents wrapped ready to be gifted to our loved ones.
Adult moments
Our first Christmas with the Wonders – all of the magical traditions like cutting and decorating the tree, Christmas morning, reading stories by the tree each night, acts of kindness countdown….I loved seeing the joy and magic in their eyes
Our second Christmas with the Wonders where we tried to fix all the errors we made in Year 1 with them (see post I linked above)
Two experience gifts I am VERY excited to gift to WonderBOY in a few days after posting this
Small ornaments with photos of our family to grandparents
Tickets to see Sound of Music in Seattle with my Mom and Gramma
I am hoping you all have a wonderful Christmas with your chosen or given families….I also hope if you’re not in the Christmas spirit for whatever reason, to release the “shoulds” and the expectations and lean into the care and keeping of you and your heart, whatever that may mean for you.
I get to share my birthday week with another lovely celebration – a day when we got to forever welcome WonderBOY and WonderGIRL into our family forever and ever. There was a lot of emotions that went into the build up to this day and lot of grief that is inherently mixed up in adoption. But for us as parents, it was ultimately a public affirmation that we were doing the right thing. And a relief that the life of these two little ones wouldn’t be hanging in the balance between chaos and care any longer.
Alright so yes this is cheating. I am going to link a blog post I did a while back documenting some pivotal moments in the forming of our family with our little (at the time) Wonders. But if I’m nothing else at almost 40 years old, I am efficient and always looking for a way to get things done faster.
Over this last week, I’ve been following along on social media as a handful of my friends have been exploring various Disney parks with their families and friends. Naturally, it has me reflecting on both my childhood trips and taking our kiddos there years back as well.
Our first summer with our Wonders and we got to bring them to Disney with their future forever Gramma and Grampa! August 2014
What I remember from my childhood trips to Disney have very little to do with the rides or the food or the magic of it all – but really about the funny family moments that happen in between all of those other bigger adventures. Obviously, my parents took us WAY before fast passes were a thing so standing in line with my parents and 3 brothers (one older and two way younger than me – just babies it seemed) took up hours and hours of these trips. We often bring these moments up about my younger brothers being incredibly entertaining to us in line by singing songs (usually atop my older brother’s shoulders) and cracking jokes to all that would listen. It is really a shame that we don’t have pics and videos from this time saved for all of time on social media (their current wives and partners are probably sick of our stories and would love to see it in real time).
Other vivid memories I have from my childhood trips: – character breakfast – the Disney waterpark (Blizzard Beach I want to say?) – exploring Epcot on my own with my brother (we were teens) as my parents let us be on our own for a bit….and me really thinking I was hot stuff making eye contact with other teen boys doing the same thing – visiting different countries at Epcot (we didn’t travel a whole lot so this was eye opening for me and loved seeing bite sized cultures in this way) – eating at the Germany Oktoberfest spot (all the pretzels please)
Memories I don’t have but am thankful for: – my parents (Mom mostly I’m sure) planning for, saving money for and taking 4 crazy kids on a road trip, Disney adventure – getting up early and then closing the park down so the magic never ends – Mom master planning the schedule so we didn’t miss the parades and the good stuff
So I suppose the moral of this story is…..THANK YOU MOM for your sacrifices in making these trips happen – I appreciate all of that so much more now that I’m a parent. HEY DISNEY PARENTS – it’s not all about the sites and the rides but the in between moments that mean the most….try to stay calm and enjoy those too without stressing about getting to the next thing, micromanaging your kiddos’ moods and getting the perfect photos (PS this is also a pep talk to myself on every family vacation).
Stay tuned just in case I track down photos from my childhood trips (then my bros should really be scared)…..hehe.
A look back at each grade….the photos (sorry sis), the memories, the favorite teachers, and lessons learned! Enjoy!
5th grade This is the year I met my WonderGIRL. She was new to our elementary school (since moving in with her Grandma the summer prior) and very excited to meet with me whenever she had the chance. I had a special lunch for all of our new Nooksack students and left a small paper invite on her desk the day of the event. She bounced in enthusiastically and was instantly the life of the party. Long story short….after that day, we had weekly meetings uncovering crisis after crisis outside of school, which led to a disclosure, which led to placement in foster care, which led to a final spot in our home. At the end of the school year, we cleaned out her backpack and tucked inside a little pocket was the invite from me to the special lunch she had saved…..when I asked her why she saved it, her reply was “It was the first time I had ever received an invitation to anything.” (insert heartbreak here).
I didn’t get her school pic this year but she participated in dance this year and loved it! I however had a lot to learn about being a dance Mom – her teacher, Mrs. Jones had to drag me kicking and screaming instruct me every step of the way.
I am BEYOND grateful for the staff at NES for their support of WonderGIRL and little bro (and ME) this school year. The pursuit of their foster placement then inviting them to our home, then working through childcare and juggling my life as a new and instant parent was as HEAVY and chaotic lift and this staff held me and the kiddos above water daily and I will never forget these months in transition with them. They were equal parts therapists, feeding specialists, bodyguards (against bio family), and most importantly, our cheerleaders every step of the way.
Mrs. Malpica
Ms. Tjoelker and Mrs. Maxwell
Middle School 6th-8th grade Well….I was going to try to go year by year but this entire season of our life was a bit of a blur. As the honeymoon phase ran out in our home for both kiddos, middle school was a TOUGH time for WonderGIRL. She was facing insurmountable trauma with a looming criminal trial against her bio father (where she had to testify in person) and at the same time, trying to attach and be cared for by our family. School had always been a safe place where WG could leave the troubles of home and create her own world of personality, attitude and stories to get what she needed…..and middle school was no different. We learned how to tackle missing assignments and homework (with minimal bumps and bruises), managing multiple teachers and expectations (very challenging for kids with trauma still early in attachment skills), and a lot of lessons in friendships – the creating and keeping of quality relationships during this stage was hard.
6th grade
7th grade
8th grade
During her 7th grade year, we got to adopt WG and going to the school to tell her she was legally free to adopt is one of my favorite memories of this time. Her teachers rallied around her excitement and shared the joy as if they were in our family as well.
8th grade was a bit of a minefield with behaviors and academics – but we survived and were ready for a fresh start in a new home and new school district.
Freshman Since moving to Ferndale, we knew that WG would start her career at Ferndale High School (my alma mater) and I was excited for her to experience new opportunities, new classes, and new students to create friendships with here that lived close to us. She had mixed feelings about the teachers knowing me and all her uncles, but loved taking a variety of classes (especially culinary!) and jumped head first into trying to make new friends (although she would report she could have made some better choices in this arena). All in all, it was a bit of a rough year but we survived and learned some lessons along the way.
Sophomore After we evaluated our safety concerns with WG at the public high school and doing some research, we decided to enroll her at a tiny private school down the road from us. We were confident with a small class size and one teacher for an entire day, WG would be able to cope appropriately with her social-emotional needs, and be able to access academic learning. This year, she met Ms. Hanson, literally a teacher angel sent down from heaven, to be WG’s teacher. WG instantly felt connected to her and trusted her (two vital precursors to kids with trauma being able to learn) and later we found out that this teacher had a trauma and adoption history of her own….her understanding and protection of WG this year was such a blessing to our family.
The structure and predictability that this school provided for WG created a “trauma-responsive” school setting that truly allowed WG to grow academically in big ways. We began to see growth not only in her assignments, but in her truth telling, friendship skills, and trust in us as her caregivers.
Junior Because of Ms. Hanson, we decided to try another year at this school. The growth continued. WG now had a best friend from the school that she was inseparable with and started dating, both milestones that created a lot of lessons (and some grief and loss) this school year. Our beloved Ms. Hanson had to leave before the end of the school year, thus proving the only thing keeping WG at this particular school was the felt safety and care that she provided. Plus we felt WG had made some huge improvements in her behavior, trustworthiness, and academics enough to be ready to finish her schooling at FHS.
Senior We are so proud of WG this year finishing stronger than ever academically, socially, and beyond. When hearing the results of her cognitive and academic testing for her special education plan, our team was in awe of her jump in scores in every area. I knew that her inner healing from daily (forced) movement and oils, private school, years of counseling, and other methods had done wonders…..but it was nice to hear them in number/evaluation form too.
This was also the year she finally received her spinal fusion surgery (originally scheduled a year prior). That journey is an entire story on it’s own. Click here to read.
WG’s goal this year was for peers and teachers to see her as completely different than her freshman year. And I’m hoping they did….because we do! Ending the year, she already started a job as a caregiver at a local assisted living home, has a wonderfully sweet boyfriend, and is working on financial savings to start paying bills to truly transition to “adulthood.” Next up – graduation and our grad party with our amazing network of supporters…..all the celebrations for how far she has come and how far we believe she can go from here!
This year I’ve encountered some new friends and colleagues that don’t know much about our family’s history – and I love sharing some of the monumental peaks and valleys woven throughout our now 7 years together (today is our “live-a-versary” as we have termed it….we love adding holidays to celebrate into the mix).
In honor of this day, I thought I would try to collect the different stories I have written here on this blog together in one spot, just in case anyone is interested in taking a look back….click the blue links to read more about each milestone!
The first picture we took together – Valentine’s Day dinner at Red Robin. Team Brave Dinosaurs was named here. Their little scared faces break my heart.
I got some practice with my word for this year earlier in 2020 when it was needed desperately after some events literally broke our family and our future’s predictability into pieces. Restoring back to some version of “whole” was my focus for myself and for members of my family for the greater part of the year.
And now, I hope this word continues to be a prominent action (because I view it is an action, not an outcome) in our household but also I hope it takes root and grows and grows within our communities, nation and world.
My intentions for what this will look like: – explore pathways to healing that we haven’t explored before – prioritize time for each individual to find their “whole” self (personal development, mindfulness, exercise, etc.) – prioritize time for relationships to heal and grow (not just as one larger family unit) – become clear in the “why” of what I do, both professionally and personally
Obviously this is my greatest wish not only for the global Covid-19 pandemic but for the racial reckoning happening right now as well.
Also, a little knowledge to impart that I didn’t know before that inspired my choice of this word – did you know that “holy”, “health” and “hale” all come from the same root word, meaning “whole”? To quote Julie Holland from the book Good Chemistry, she writes “to heal is to restore to a state of wholeness. That’s my first job.” Amen and me too…..
When I’m working with students and we’re sharing in a group, I sometimes ask them to share both a rose and a thorn from their life. Making it acceptable to share both highs and lows from our personal worlds and connecting us with others in community.
Since its been a while, here are a few roses from our summer…
Beautiful couple, the most beautiful venue, and our new complete fam!!
Old Settlers weekend with our whole crew made my Ferndale heart VVEEERRRYYY happy.
Trailer life is the best life.
Trying out KOA camping – we like!!!
My gritty crew dominating at the WSU team camp and tournament!!!
WG and her best friend were inseparable this summer!!!
Fair day!
This dreamy little cabin was the best 7th anniversary date!!! We will definitely be heading back here for another weekend getaway soon!
Next post up will be sharing a few thorns we endured this summer!! I do really miss writing and sharing our family’s highs and lows here….I am in a weird stage of grief right now which is having me stuck and not writing but hopefully I’ll break out of that soon. Happy start of Fall everyone – my favorite season of the WHOLE year!!!
5 years ago a two adorable ragamuffins tumbled into our home and filled it with laughter, grief, joy, pain, and love upon grace upon growth for all of us. Here are two scrapbook layouts I did of our first week together (filled with snow ironically). We have learned so much in these 5 years and still have much to learn but us opening our arms and hearts and home to create Team Brave Dinosaurs and a few years later to expand our family even more is both the bravest and proudest decisions of our life.
Thanks for joining us in this journey and reading along as we stumble through parent and childhood together. And as usual, a genuine thank you to the husband for saying yes, to WG and WB for choosing us as their forever, and to Our extended families (both biological and chosen) for your support, community and connection we’ve desperately needed on this path. I can’t wait to see where the next 5 years take us!
Daddy worked Christmas Eve so we had to do some snuggling in bed before we got to do presents!!! Good thing Santa was prepared for early morning snoopers. As many of you know, WonderGIRL has been working really hard to make good choices and earn trust. Her “big” gift from us was permission to finally date/have a boyfriend and practice extending relationship lessons to a romantic one in a safe environment and under our watch. You can imagine the squeals and clapping that happened upon opening! WonderBOY got his usually nerf guns and balls, a super fun new Sushi Go card game and a trip to see WWE live with Daddy and his uncles which he is so excited for. BraveGIRL was delighted to open a new iPhone on Christmas morning – we are glad we have full control over her phone and the apps now to properly monitor for safety. Win-win. Also all of us girls got new comfy pajamas that we’ve been living in since Christmas. our “something to read” gifts this year all had a theme and we’ve been diving into the 5 love languages with the girls and with Scott and I during some quiet reading time by the tree. Having the kiddos complete the quizzes to find their love language has been eye-opening and helpful in connecting with them in different ways. Jesus made it into our manger filled with straw (acts of kindness we completed before Christmas). Next year, we plan to start The Giving Manger project right at Thanksgiving to give us more time to add straw!! I highly recommend this book/products for your family to encourage serving to littles in a new and exciting way!