On my life update FAQ’s –


I have been in a functional freeze state about oh-so-many things in my life as of late….this blog being one of them. Blogging and writing has been such a coping strategy for me for so long and I’ve had a block keeping me from doing so…..BUT I want to reclaim things that bring me joy and help me sort through the absolute chaos in my heart and mind as of late. To round up the last 6 or so months since I published this post, I thought I would do a few frequently asked questions that come up often from folks (not that I mind you asking – but it’s hard to answer some hard ones over and over ya know?).

Are you still coaching?
Nope. The pain from the loss of my job at Ferndale is still deep and fresh and I’m not ready for the high school coaching scene again (maybe not ever around here). I love coaching and developing younger players and am definitely open to private trainings and younger club coaching opportunities. I do plan on going into more detail at some point about this on the blog but can’t until some other processes play out so stay tuned.

Why did you leave Ferndale (Schools)?
I love love loved my role as school counselor and counseling leader in Ferndale (especially our counseling team – the absolute BEST in all the land). The tides changed dramatically with new leadership (which is completely normal and I accept that) and I no longer could align my professional values and needs with the agendas playing out there, especially in regards to hiring/firing practices. As a school counselor, there are a LOT of game-time decisions made about very important children and families in our buildings and in 16 years in the profession, I was NEVER anxious about whether or not administration would support me and those decisions until recently. I couldn’t let that affect my mental health but more importantly, I knew I wouldn’t be able to provide the best services I could for students and families with that pressure and anxiety hanging over my program. I do want to say with 100% certainty, there are AMAZING staff members throughout Ferndale School District – I miss so many of them, especially watching their brilliance and care for little ones play out each and every day in buildings throughout this community I care very much about.

What are you doing these days for work?
I am in my self-employed, entrepreneur ERA! As some of you know, I have dreamed of owning a business focused on supporting children and families with trauma for multiple years. It was close to fruition in 2020 before Covid and some other life events happened that created necessity to stay in my role at Ferndale.

Rooted WELL is the name of my wee little company – I help educators and families create safe spaces for children with needs that are not well supported in the existing public school system. This can include professional development and trainings, but I also have individual clients I get to see on a regular basis to support the work as well. This Spring, I was afforded the amazing opportunity to be an adjunct professor for the school counseling graduate program at WWU which re-ignited my passion for supporting new school counselors with resources, training, and burn-out prevention support.

Coming soon – presenting at a national virtual conference, a new website, online course for new school counselors, and whatever else my busy busy brain dreams up! Yes, I also still make money from tik tok and even help a few other clients do the same so that’s a fun little side gig along the way.

Are you and Scott staying together?
No. We are talking and co-parenting and are making it work for the sake of our kiddos, but our romantic relationship has come to an end. It is my hope (and I know his too) that we can forge a new relationship moving forward with foundations of respect, trust and genuine care for each other but some individual healing, forgiveness and growth needs to happen first.

We still hang out, go to events together, and can be around each other – so if you see us out, it’s not weird but it’s also not a date (so come talk to us but don’t be awkward). I think that covers all the bases of what folks might want/need to know. There is a lot of information out in public about us but also a lot behind the scenes very much impacting my decisions so thank you to those of you reaching out and supporting us BOTH through this tough time.

How are the kids?
The Wonders have unique backgrounds that make a family rupture like the one we are experiencing difficult. We are supporting both of them and overall, they are handling it with respect, open communication and an an amazing amount of grace. It has highlighted those things that I love about both of them (and hopefully those are seeds we have been planting and tending to in the 10 years we’ve been honored to parent them).

Do you plan on moving?
I think so? The small town of Ferndale is one of the loves of my life and a piece of my identity I value dearly. However, because of the coaching/professional stuff that went down and the betrayal trauma occurring nearby as well, it’s been a bit of an emotional minefield to live and interact with folks here. WonderBOY wants to finish his HS career here so one of us will have to stay but I would say it is very likely I will not be a Ferndale-for-life kinda gal like I originally envisioned for myself.

How are you handling all of this?
I have THE BEST network of people around me to help me handle things. So some days are good and I am smiling and other days, I’m frozen in bed watching seasons upon seasons of my emotional support shows (what are they you ask? Gilmore Girls, Grey’s Anatomy, Sex and the City, Hart of Dixie and The Challenge). Throughout the past 9 months there have been times that my mind is strong and stable, yet my body has not been. And at other times, it’s the exact opposite which has been difficult for a number of reasons with multiple triggers of some past hurts and struggles.

What can I do to help?
Feel free to refer to this blog post I wrote about this very topic. This summer, I am very much grieving some “typical” summer trips I have done in the past…i would love walks and invites to enjoy the summer sun in the PNW with you. AND some days, I have to say no and take care of myself alone in my depression nest and I so appreciate all my peeps understanding that!

Thank you for reading all of this. I am a pretty open book so catch me in person or give me a call if you’d like to connect!!! And a cute little photo reward for all this reading –>

A core group of my support network the past 9 months. I would NOT have gotten through some very dark days and nights without these fine folks (and a handful of others not pictured here).

On the new business name

Some of you have probably seen some of my online content and my business name of Rooted WELL. I thought I would describe the origin or intentions behind my brand (brand a loose term at this point as the ship is being built as I’m sailing it, including potentially changing the logo you see below).

  • I believe one of my strengths is being able to explore underneath the surface of problematic behaviors or relationships in order to not just address a symptom, but enact change fully. In kids with trauma, this could mean attachment ruptures, early childhood trauma, the environment being harmful, etc. My hope is that I can inspire educators and caregivers to do the same.
  • Strong roots and foundations make us more resilient in storms. The struggles of life (storms) can not be prevented 100%, therefore it is important to me to prepare children and people I am working with to have the strength and skills to navigate those storms and stay standing (we could really extend this metaphor quite far here I suppose).

    I first heard this concept in a yoga class over 10 years ago and it has really stuck with me. Trees may sway and be heavily affected by the weather (external pressures and problems), but with strong roots, they stay standing AND grow stronger as a result. Love this as a foundation for my goals with clients I work with.
I hope to adapt this for a future tattoo. Stay tuned for the final result!
  • I am also obsessed with the interconnectedness (and invisibility) of roots beneath what we see above ground. Now that I’ve migrated out of being kid-facing in schools, I am looking to focus on those adults that build the connection and web AROUND the child to help it grow big and strong. The concept of “it takes a village” fully and whole-heartedly apply here, ESPECIALLY as it pertains to children who have experienced trauma.
  • My roots in the PNW are also very much tied to my choosing of this name….where the beauty and majesty of trees are all around us. Plus, my grandmother and me shared this love of trees and she is a beautiful part of my ROOTS as well. I am always on the search for the prettiest or most unique tree and will always think of her when I do.
The view from my walk yesterday in Anacortes, WA.

And my email sign off for those of you not on my email list yet:
WISHING you WELL always,