Welcome to Day 3 of how Team Brave Dinosaurs are using little vials of awesomeness to keep us healthy and happy without using any toxic products and chemicals! Today, I will discuss how I got my husband hooked on their true worth in our household. Of course, he was skeptical to spend a chunk of change on a starter kit without fully knowing how they would work but a few experiments later and he was ready to purchase a few more products just for him!
If interested, please go back and read how I personally use these oils as a busy mama and how we help our school-age children get through their daily lives.
Allergy relief –
Scott has always struggled with allergies throughout the different seasons in the Pacific Northwest. Once I had him inhaling the trio of Peppermint, Lavender, and Lemon out of his own hands, he became a huge fan. He felt instant relief but then what happened weeks down the road was that he didn’t have as many symptoms as often just from regular use. He has also used the Digestive Blend to alleviate sinus congestion right on his nose.
Snoring/sleep relief –
Each night, we put a blend of Thyme, Frankincense, and Respiratory Blend in our bedroom diffuser and place it right on Scott’s bedstand. It has significantly decreased his snoring, although sometimes it does not make it go away all together (no magic wand here). Scott would also say that he has a more restful night’s sleep since starting this protocol.
Daddy confidence –
Although this is not a specific recipe or use, I believe that Scott enjoys being able to offer oils as a solution to some of the children’s “owies” (both physical and emotional ones). He is also not a big fan of getting to the doctor (or spending money on doctors visits), so being able to help some ailments with the oils has been a game-changer for our family.
DIY Natural Cleaning solutions –
I am very spoiled in that Scott does a large portion of the cleaning and upkeep of our household. I would like to say that it’s primarily due to his schedule and having more time to do it, but really I am just extremely messy (and sometimes lazy) and he can’t stand the clutter I often leave in my wake. We haven’t spent any money on cleaners since last May when I received my first oils in the mail and love the added cleaning power they add to natural cleaning recipes. If you are interested in those recipes and other DIY cleaner tips and tricks, check out this post. Our essential oils team will also be hosting two different classes in March about natural cleaning solutions, so if you are interested in that, please message me and I will get you the details!
(see above picture for the obvious excitement ahead of us in our marriage with essential oils)
If you have read enough to dive in and empower yourself with everything you will need to keep your family healthy and sane, head to my oils website to sign up. Under the “join and save” tab, you just enter some personal information, pick your favorite starter kit, and within a week’s time, you will have products in your hot little hands to start playing with. Plus, February is an awesome time to join with the option of getting $100 in free oils just for signing up this month. Message me with any questions and as always, no pressure here….I just want to spread the information and true power I feel with these to as many people as I can to help their family grow and thrive just like mine!
Also, if you aren’t ready to dive in yet but want me to come teach a class for you and some friends, I’m totally available to do that too – just message me and we’ll go from there!!