This is part 2 in a series documenting how our little family uses essential oils as part of our daily routines. If you are interested in how I personally use them, click here to go back to yesterday’s post.
Today, I will be summarizing how we use the oils to help WonderGIRL and WonderBOY stay healthy, focused during school, and manage their anxieties throughout our days together. This was a main reason I researched different essential oil companies and has been the greatest joy and blessing since starting because they actually work!!!

Morning protocol –
The kiddos have three different rollerball recipes that they apply each morning while eating breakfast. A rollerball is a 10ml glass container that you can add oils and a carrier oil (we use fractionated coconut oil) and is one of the easiest ways to apply the oils topically to your skin. We apply them to the backs of our neck, up and down our spines, and on the bottom of our feet.
1. On guard blend – 30 drops of OnGuard + carrier oil (to prevent from getting sick)
2. “Recovery” blend – 20 drops of DDR prime (cellular repair) + 10 drops rosemary (supports memory) + carrier oil
3. Focus blend – I have tried a great many recipes for this one. We use this one which is pretty heavy on the oils because of the needs of our kiddos. If you are not sure, start with half this recipe and adjust as necessary to your needs.
6 drops Cedarwood
15 drops Balance
4 drops Frankincense
6 drops Vetiver
4 drops Lavender
+ carrier oil
After school –
WonderGIRL takes one supplement to aid in focusing on her nightly homework routine. I also have each kiddo take one DigestZen softgel to help with their digestive health. I found these little “boosters” for health have made a huge difference in getting their little bodies regular and regulated (my two favorite words for them).
Nighttime routine –
WonderBOY has a hard time sleeping in his room alone and sleeping through the night due to some anxious thoughts and nightmares. He will often ask for oils to be applied to his stomach and back before bedtime. Even if this is just a mental bandaid of sorts for him, we have found it really helps the transition into bedtime! His favorite oils to rub in are: Serenity, Cedarwood, and Wild Orange.
Of course, our children are older school-age children. Many people I know have newborns that they have also loved using the oils for. There has to be something so comforting about being able to meet your child’s emotional and physical needs in a natural way without having to go to the doctor or the drug store for medicine. Here a few ones that I have heard many use to help their little little ones:
Baby favorites –
Digestive support: 1 drop of DigestZen or Fennel on baby’s tummy with carrier oil
Skin irritations: 1 drop of Lavender + Melaleuca (tea tree oil) + carrier oil
Teething: Dilute Lavender, Roman Chamomile, or Serenity along the jawline
Ear infections: Dilute Lavender and Melaleuca and apply around the ear (never put oils IN the ear) and massage down towards the lymph nodes to encourage drainage. You can also use the diluted oils on a cotton ball placed in ear – use a bandaid to help keep in place. **We used this for WB’s ear infection and it worked to alleviate both his pain and the infection – awesome trick!**
Coming up tomorrow – how my husband uses the oils and how I got him “hooked.”
If you have read enough to dive in and empower yourself with everything you will need to keep your family healthy and sane, head to my oils website to sign up. Under the “join and save” tab, you just enter some personal information, pick your favorite starter kit, and within a week’s time, you will have products in your hot little hands to start playing with. Plus, February is an awesome time to join with the option of getting $100 in free oils just for signing up this month. Message me with any questions and as always, no pressure here….I just want to spread the information and true power I feel with these to as many people as I can to help their family grow and thrive just like mine!
Also, if you aren’t ready to dive in yet but want me to come teach a class for you and some friends, I’m totally available to do that too – just message me and we’ll go from there!!
Happy oily weekend everyone!