After 16 years of filling this world with joy, extra loud laughter (like seriously… loud), and love for others, this little lady is 16! Here are a few of her thoughts, dreams, and ideas captured into history…..
On being 16…..
Being 16 is exciting but at the same time it’s going to be a bigger step to adulting. Which is nerve wracking and adventurous. The older I get the closer I get to getting my own job and buying my house and my future kids and driving (hopefully not in that order says Mom…..please get a license). I feel like there is going to be a chance in the world of WonderGIRL.
On your future job….
My future dream job is to open my own bakery. It will be desserts and baked goods from all over the world. Two days a week, kids will come in and our bakers will help kids learn how to cook. It will be an open cafe every Saturday and Sunday.
Thoughts on your brother….
As of right now, my brother is very frustrating. He thinks that since he’s getting older and almost in 5th grade he’s so cool. He is getting a fun summer with Fircreek. The other day when I was doing yard work, without the parents telling him to, he brought me hot chocolate which was very sweet. He’s very fun to watch tv shows with and tells me which parts I’m going to like.
On counseling….
Counseling is really hard. Really helpful, but really hard. I hate putting in the work because it’s really hard to deal with so many emotions. It’s really helped with me and my Mom’s relationship and with me being able to trust Daddy more. It has not been an easy journey, but I’m more open and honest with her. It’s easy to be vulnerable with my counselor.
What is your purpose in life?
The reason I am here is to bring joy to the world and be helpful to kids. To learn what God has planned in the future and to be an amazing sister and a daughter and have a wonderful future.
Who are you?
I am a girl that believes I can make a change. I don’t know. I’m stuck (Mom: in life or on this question???? WG: I don’t know who I am right now….I think I do in my heart but I’m not sure)
What is important to you?
My brother. My family. My past. As of right now, my heart is pretty important to me.
What is something most people don’t know about you?
Most people don’t know that I’m really loud (insert Mama’s shocked face here…..I’m sorry dear I think that’s one of the first things people learn about you). I think people don’t know that I’m a big sleeper.
One word quick fire:
WonderBOY – amazing
BraveGIRL – silly
Mama – loving
Daddy – protective
Rexie – fiesty
high school – drama
favorite movie – Black Panther
sweet 16 – exciting
proud of – how far I’ve come
favorite food – spaghetti