Seeing as how meeting this person was my 20th moment in this series, it is only fitting that I ask her to do a little moment-sharing as well!
I can’t say it would even be possible to pick one favorite moment with Patti. There are 1) far far too many to choose from, and 2) how do you define “favorite”?
Is “favorite” the moment when I met Patti when she came in for a job at Treasury of Memories? I knew right then that she was someone special. I didn’t know at the time that I was gaining my Heterosexual Life Partner (my HSLP), but I knew I really really wanted to be her friend. I think it took less than 1 shift together to know we were a match made in ‘High School Musical’ heaven.
Is “favorite” the moment I said, “I’m going to Haiti to work in an orphanage”, and without skipping a beat, she was signed up to go with?

Is “favorite” the countless nights out on the town, living our absolute, best, single lives? Dancing, drinking raspberry mojitos (by the pitcher), add in a little bit of ruckus and a whole lot of shenanigans, and that, my friends, is how you do it when you’re not yet 30.

Is “favorite” the moment my heart was broken, and without question, I had a place to stay, an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on, and no shortage of wine to soften the pain?
Is “favorite” the days spent dreaming up a fabulous business plan for a party planning company? Between our craftiness, county connections, and dare I say, being pretty fun girls, we were really onto something. While I know we’ve out grown this possibility, it really was an EPIC idea.

Is “favorite” the moments I get to see her former students and players beam with joy, respect and adoration when they bump into her? Seeing the way their eyes light up, you know instantly she is such a positive role model and influence in her students and players lives.
Is “favorite” the moment I got the call that her and Scott were taking in 2 foster kiddos? I think back to that moment often, and am in such awe of their bravery, love and open hearts for children, especially those in need.

Is “favorite” having the most wise and thoughtful confidant whenever I need advice on life, relationships, or when we were all of a sudden raising a 16 year old? (Not to mention she has actual, professional credentials for this said advice 😉
Is “favorite” knowing I’ve already had more cherished memories than one girl should rightfully have, or, is it the comfort knowing we have 40+ more years of joy, laughter and love (and even maybe a little ruckus and shenanigans) ahead?
Every single moment shared has been a gift, and you, Patti….are my favorite ❤
Love you always, your HSLP,