My little man turns 14 today and I thought I would take this chance to document some of the things that I love about him as he grows into a young man and never want to forget.
1. His empathy – I am sure this a byproduct of his early childhood, but this child can sense when we are 10% sadder, madder, upset, etc and will instantly come check on what’s wrong.
2. Every morning he asks me how I slept and every time I come home he specifically asks how work, practice, my meeting went (and genuinely listens to my answer).
3. He never stops talking….which yes gets him in trouble at school but at home means we get to hear all about his thoughts, his friends, his wonderings….and I love that.
4. He is becoming very articulate about his feelings….although it was painful at the time, I got to witness him share his vulnerable feelings with his older sister and her impact on him in a way that brought tears to my eyes. Not because of the words and impact (although that was heartbreaking), but because I know we have helped him find his voice, make sense of his childhood trauma triggers, and feel brave enough to share that with others.
5. When Scott is at work, WB loves to watch my nighttime show with me (Gilmore Girls forever)….but is deeply offended when I turn over to face away from him. “Noooooo not the butt side. Then I can’t see your face.” It literally makes me melt and laugh all at the same time…..
And some embarrassing yet CCCUUUUTTTTEEEEE older photos that I can’t resist posting:

And maybe because WG is out there navigating adult life but for some reason, WB turning 14 feels like the beginning of the END and he will be leaving us soon. I peeked out the window the other day and he was BEHIND THE WHEEL and parking the truck (with Scott guiding of course). My little nugget was in charge of a whole large vehicle and I’m pretty sure my heart stopped…..so there’s that.
I love him so and can’t wait to continue watching his personality and relationships grow and thrive.