HAPPY BIRTHDAY WonderGIRL – we couldn’t be more proud of you. Yes, of the graduation and your sweet personality and the landing of your first job….but MOSTLY for the work you’ve put in and the emotional growth you have shown over these last 8 years with us. It has taken excruciating painful hours and tears to get to this point but you’re DOING it – you are changing the wiring of your brain. You’re blazing new trails for your future family. You’re learning to love in healthy ways. Ready for the world you are….we can’t wait to walk alongside you and cheer you on.
Love, Team Hoelzle Brown (your #1 fans always)

It’s been a while since we did some interview questions – let’s capture her brain, thoughts, and dreams as she heads into her 19th trip around the sun!
- What Makes You Happy? My job and my boyfriend. Rexie – the cat. And music….like country and love songs. My favorite song right now is “Don’t You Want to Know” by Noah Schnacky.
- What Makes You Sad? Missing my sister Haillee. When bad things happen to good people…..like when others die for no reason (car accident) or when someone loses someone they love.
- What is Your Favorite Thing to Do? Hang out outside of this house. Get ice cream. Sleep.
- What is Your Favorite Food? Spaghetti – the “OG” kind. Not anything fancy.

- What Do You Like to Learn About? People’s lives.
- What WAS Your Favorite Subject in School? Culinary….because I enjoy the teacher and it was fun to learn new recipes.
- Who is Your Best Friend? Sophia – She is understanding and loving no matter what.
- What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up? I DON’T KNOW (she says frustrated). Right now I’m a caregiver at an assisted living home – I love the residents, but am not sure I can emotionally handle some of their struggles.

- Where Would You Like to Travel? I want to go to Paris one day. I want to visit Rome. I want to go to Georgia again. Disneyworld would be fun. And London.
- What’s Your Favorite Place to Be? The beach and water – it’s very soothing.
- What Are Your Favorite Shows to Binge? The Vampire Diaries, Gilmore Girls, Legacies and On My Block
- What Would You Buy Right Now If You Could? A new bed….because I don’t want my old one anymore. Because there’s too many memories and hard emotions on it. Or a house.
- Where do you hope to be in 1 year from now? I hope to have a stable job. I hope me and (boyfriend) are still together. I want to be more accepting of myself (with the help of you – Mom). And I hope to be driving with my license by then as well.