Excerpt from Instagram:
Fostering teens is messy. Their trauma plus normal teenage changes can create some storms that can last days and even months.
And as I tried to tell myself in the middle of those storms….when they ran away from home, blocked me from any contact, yelled all the mean things, threatened suicide and even sat in a jail cell for a night – we were planting seeds that will eventually grow. More seeds. More water. More seeds. More water.
Seeds of healthy relationships with more trust and less manipulation. Seeds of wellness and coping skills vs. easy fixes. Seeds of learning and growth vs. avoidance and excuses. Seeds of restoration and healing vs. denial and going through the motions.
This weekend our two foster teens graduated high school with smiles on their faces and joy in their hearts. With their histories pulling them back from this milestone every step of the way, they persevered and rose above what had happened to them. The harvest could not be prevented….
If you’re in the middle of a relational storm right now….focus on the seeds. Little tiny actions you are modeling that exposes the other to your goodness and light without forcing them to show theirs in the exact same ways. ?
And also….I see you. I honor the work and the exhaustion. Keep breathing. Keep going. Give yourself grace – you only need enough for right now. ✨✨✨ More is on its way…..