In my opinion, these snow days were pretty perfect. The snow didn’t last all that long. People could still (for the most part) get out and get to work/appointments as needed. And from what I saw/read on social media, many mamas and families were taking some needed time to SLOW down, breathe and just be together. This reminder of forced “downtime” always reminds me to intentionally schedule it in when not forced by the weather….

There were a few life habits that I started during Winter break that I was a bit worried about keeping going during the work week and honestly, having some of these snow days really helped me cement in a few things like:
1. drinking 1/2 my body weight in water ounces
2. started a 30-day cleanse
3. moving my body daily for at least 30 minutes
4. more board games/card games with my kiddos/Scott
5. all diffusers running with essential oils to calm our home

What about you? Any lessons you learned from snow days that you’re hoping to transfer to real life?