Oh my goodness this Fall season always seems to get away from me. Between volleyball and back to school and general life craziness, my commitment to blogging always goes away. But I do miss the posting and the chance to write out my thoughts so here’s the usual re-up in December of pictures and random musings by yours truly.
My one solid contribution – the cheese platter. Aren’t they adorable???? Apple cup fun! Some blazing rounds of Dutch Blitz – we are a tad competitive.
Thanksgiving was a great weekend where I got to see all of my brothers and spend a little down time watching football and eating lots of good food. I am beyond grateful for this crew in their flexibility this year…..they all dropped much of their schedule to help us with WonderGIRL’s spinal fusion surgery down at Children’s Hospital in Seattle and when that got delayed, we flipped the plans up to Ferndale without a hitch.
Now onto December and the holidays!!! In all honesty, I started decorating two weeks ago in anticipation of the surgery delaying things and I’m so glad I did. The cozy factor is in full effect in our house and I (and the cats) love it!

We are still anxiously awaiting a phone call from Children’s to reschedule WG’s big surgery…..please send along prayers and good thoughts as she battles the constant anxiety and dread of when it will happen. It’s been a long time coming so the wait for the date (ha! new tagline) is a wee bit painful. Thank you to all of you who have reached out to check on her…..stay tuned for more details soon!