Sparked by the idea that we should end our years as intentionally and ready for health and wellness as much as we are after January 1st, Rachel Hollis set up this program….I participated last year and this year, Scott joined me.
What does it entail? The daily 5 to thrive:
– wake up early to spend time on yourself
– daily gratitude practice
– half your body weight (ounces) in water
– move your body for 30 minutes
– remove one category of food out of your diet

Since October and November (and then the holidays of course) can be stressful for our family, we thought it would be good to be intentional about this together. We did pretty well in October – I cut out fast food, which for my busy schedule, was VERY hard to do. I was proud of myself for refusing the urge, even when others around me were enjoying their greasy goodness. I started to find my rhythm with water as well and it truly is amazing the impact that hydration has on our body and energy levels!

Scott has been practicing writing down 5 things he is grateful for each day, along with nightly meditations ( to the rescue!) – watching his personal growth makes me so proud and energized to stay accountable to our commitments.
Next up for November – I really want to work on getting more exercise and movement into my daily routine. Both Scott and I are removing alcohol from our diets for the month….which might be hard later this month when our sweet WonderGIRL has a very serious back surgery but we’ll get a chance to practice our other (and healthier) coping strategies for that!!!

Any of you participating in this program?? Would love to hear your progress!!!