When I’m working with students and we’re sharing in a group, I sometimes ask them to share both a rose and a thorn from their life. Making it acceptable to share both highs and lows from our personal worlds and connecting us with others in community.
Since its been a while, here are a few roses from our summer…
Beautiful couple, the most beautiful venue, and our new complete fam!!

Trailer life is the best life. Trying out KOA camping – we like!!!

WG and her best friend were inseparable this summer!!! Fair day!

Next post up will be sharing a few thorns we endured this summer!! I do really miss writing and sharing our family’s highs and lows here….I am in a weird stage of grief right now which is having me stuck and not writing but hopefully I’ll break out of that soon. Happy start of Fall everyone – my favorite season of the WHOLE year!!!