4. My life does not revolve around my children.
And I love them dearly and with my whole heart. But at the same time, I try to stay committed to myself and my marriage and how we can grow and thrive along with our kiddos and without them getting prioritized always over us and our pursuits. I truly believe my own personal development and investment in myself and my passions makes me a better person for them and hopefully inspires them to do the same someday. Especially in the foster and adopt world, this comment could be seen as extremely disrespectful or shaming but I think boundaries and the pursuit of self-worth are exactly the goals of parenting kids from hard places.
5. My kiddos are super hard with major traumas.
I won’t apologize for pursuing supports and goodness for them because their life has handed them some raw, crappy cards and I’d like to flip that script as much as I can before they fly out of my nest.
6. I do “all the things”.
I get this comment a lot and I can’t ever get a pulse on whether it’s meant as a compliment or a criticism….but I am completely content as I have intentionally chosen all of the activities that fill my planner. I chose to open my home and foster kiddos. I chose to stay at FHS as a volleyball coach. I chose to educate and empower peeps on the use of essential oils. I chose to start this blog, post on instagram, etc etc. and when just like the start of them, if I needed to stop, I would intentionally stop. And the truth is, it doesn’t feel like all that much in my own brain/heart/home. I take care of myself and have a solid morning routine with time to do some of this work. I schedule pretty meticulously and collaborate with my husband to pursue our own passions and keep up with our kiddos’ needs and wants. I don’t reach for the perfect balance or fairness in time blocking….I reach for content. And I get it on most days so onward and upward we go….
Is there anything you need to stop apologizing for? Not even to others but perhaps releasing that guilt and pressure from your own heart?