This post was definitely inspired by Rachel Hollis….not necessarily her books which are great for a lot of women but don’t light me up a whole lot, but her general vibe and life content. I love her podcasts, daily livestreams, and I got to watch her speak live at my Doterra leadership conference. It inspired me to think about things in my life that I have once felt some guilt around or impulses to hide away my feelings or shares about because of how others might accept or respond. Even in posting these things, I have hesitations and fears and am summoning some major courage to cement them in my blog history for all to read.

Pieces of my world I won’t apologize for or feel shame around:
1. My husband taking the helm as “single husband” during volleyball seasons.
I go all-in with my volleyball teams each Fall (in both hours of time and emotional investment) and although some different life choices have made that season easier in the last couple of years, I am so indebted to my husband for taking over our household and caring/uber-ing our three kiddos around during this season. He is my biggest fan when it comes to coaching and all of my pursuits and he proves it between August-November each and every year.
2. Making more money than my husband.
This is a lower level one for me in my mind but for some reason saying it out loud feels terrible. I don’t mind talking to people about incomes and money and I am super proud of my career success. Plus, my husband is also quite proud of this aspect as well which makes my heart burst with pride. When we get to sit at tables for big purchases and he passes the financial paperwork over to me, it’s amazing to me some old gender biases that come out from salespeople that we get to help disrupt.
3. I chose a career early on in my life and am now doing just that.
Each goal I set for my life way back when in high school, I have now completed. Do I still have goals within those careers? Absolutely, but I truly mean it when I say I have already gotten my dream job(s).