Back when our wonders were still in foster care, we tried to create memories that they could cherish once they moved on or back to their forever family. We wanted to fill their worlds with wonder and joy and the innocent excitement of childhood that they had missed out on in their early years.
And then time passed….and more time passed….and we got to start repeating trips and traditions. And that is where the magic happens for me. Each repeat trip or activity feels like “normalcy” for our family and lays a foundational block in our family history and story that I certainly do not take for granted. Camping at Deception Pass is one of those repeat traditions that we almost didn’t go on this year due to crazy schedules but we found a spot and squeezed in a few days and I am so glad we did.BraveGIRL calls this shot “couple goals” and made us stand in front of the beautiful sunset for her (awwww teenagers).
It was a joy introducing our new BraveGIRL to our camping tradition…..she entertained us nightly at the campfire with beautiful singing and scary campfire tales that had WonderBOY completely enthralled.
I love watching Scott and his love of all things nature spill out onto the kiddos as they go exploring (sometimes my anxiety and dislike of messes keep me from enjoying these moments but I am working on that).
P.S. If you have never gone camping at Deception Pass… is seriously the best. The lake to swim, the ocean to explore, the bajillion of trials in the trees????? It’s awesome and super close to us!!!