On her first mission trip….

So some of you may remember that the last time my hubby went on his annual mission trip to Haiti my sweet, innocent child did this. Enter anxiety and fear and a whole lot of grace and patience and here we are with my husband leaving again this Spring. But this time we are super excited for WonderGIRL to go with!!!!

Although I am worried for her anxiety levels in traveling to such a faraway and unknown place, I know that the lessons she will learn about servanthood, poverty throughout the world, and the Haitians undeniable gratitude for their humble lives will blow her away. She is about to be such a joyful and energetic addition to the team as they care for them medically – she gets to entertain the littles and hand out comfort and kindness. I can’t wait to hear and see the children flocking around her and to see the mutual blessings they will be in each others life paths.

If you would like to help support WonderGIRL, please know that prayers and encouragement is the heavy load of what we need for her. She also has a fundraising link if you’d like to support her financially. Every time we get to tell her there’s a new donation, the WG signature squeal-and-clap is in full effect so thank you to those of you who have already donated.

Hopefully Scott will get lots of pictures and video for me to share about her trip!

PS we like totally love Snapchat filters.