Quotes I live by (Thursday)

A tension to manage, not a problem to solve – unknown but whoever you are, you are an absolute GENIUS in my world/book

As many females and moms can relate to, we like to FIX problems. When something comes across our realm of reality that is uncomfortable, we tend to rally ourselves or our troops to help fix it. Also, as a counselor, I feel compelled to listen deeply, empathize and then HELP OTHERS do their own problem solving.

But some problems are not merely fixed with an easy one-stop, solution. Some problems may not be problems at all, but just constant tension that just needs to be managed or eased through certain actions. This quote plays in my head when feeling pressure to act or fix or cure, especially when there is a timeline attached (real or perceived)….and it lessens the pressure by just thinking about these negative stressors as something to be coped with on a lesser scale of action.

Some examples of these tensions that might not be “fix-able” in the short term that show up in my life on the regular:
– unease about my children’ future
– my children’s deficits in __________ (school, social skills, following directions)
– the balance of work and family life
– social media/technology dangers for young people
– trauma triggers at home from all members of my family
– a constant pull towards being creative, with a constant nag that something else is more important