Sometimes little flashes of realization come over me….and even though I’m 33 and fully a real-life adult, I still get weirded out by the fact that I’m ACTUALLY an adult. And this year particularly, I feel like I’ve made some
big very minor adult life changes in my life…..and I’m not even talking about parenting because I still kind of feel like I’m my 16 year old self, babysitting my baby brothers in the summertime where laying selfishly in the kiddie pool sunbathing while they splashed around and squirted each other with squirt guns constituted “responsible caregiving”.
Real Estate stalking –
I’ve been getting the itch for a bigger yard, some more space to play, an office, and a new neighborhood. Although we don’t plan on moving any time soon, it is pretty fun to peruse houses online AND watch an excessive amount of Fixer Upper on Netflix. I remember when we first laid eyes on our current home and I thought “we are so going to be here for the rest of our lives” (blame that on some newlywed Cinderella hormones I think). Especially adding two not-so-little kiddos into the mix here, I have changed my vision of a dream house. So if you know of any amazing gems out in the county (Scott says no Lynden), please send them my way!
Supplements –
How come Mrs. Scanes or Mr. Adams didn’t talk about supplements in high school health or home economics? I have just started taking some supplements and I have felt a big difference in my energy levels and in the health of my skin and nails. And then when I ask other people about supplements and as it turns out, many of you have been taking supplements for years like it’s just a thing. So now I’m in the cool kids club….which isn’t that cool because it basically means your body can no longer handle life on its own and needs you to pump extra shmutza into it so it can operate properly. Lovely.
*Stay tuned for a future post when me and the hubby undertake a 30 day cleanse/detox which we start in one week. My first one ever and I don’t plan on liking it.*
Skincare –
I have always gotten compliments on my nice healthy hair and skin….and I always downplayed that because I really didn’t do much to make it that way. I barely wash my hair or style it even and I was still using the same makeup and cleanser as I did in middle school. And now I’m wishing that I had relished in those nice compliments because my face is exploding with weird blemishes and gray hairs are just seriously popping out everywhere. Since I’m not a big fan of getting my hair done and colored, I decided that I could exert some sort of control over my skincare routines. When I received my first products to target this area, I had to do some serious googling about what toner even does and when it gets put on, but now I’m into it and loving the results. Each night after I apply my toner, moisturizing serum, and moisturizer, I feel like I just left the spa! I also got some magical Rose essential oil as an incentive prize and when I apply some of that….things just magically disappear and even out. Love that!
My lovely Grandma told me once that I would always envision myself as a 21 year old….and that no matter how old I got or what I looked like, when I pictured myself inside my head it would be my 21 year old self. Good thing I was so fashionable at 21…..oh wait.
Newsies hat + hoop earrings = all the rage in ’03. Happy adulting everyone!!!!