WonderBOY’s turn to take over…

 WonderBOY on cleaning the house:
I like cleaning the house because….because….mmmmm……because choring and cleaning and doing garage shoes and if I do it without complaining, I might get a responsibility point. Those are what I get without complaining doing things and if I lie, I get one taken away. If I get 15, I can play video games for 10 minutes.

On Sis earning her cell phone:
She had to get 25 points to get her phone. She can text and call the parents. She can text (her friend) and Becky, Mike, and Lori. And she is 13. When I am 13, I might get a phone. I will text, call and play games like Duck Life: Treasure Hunt and I would play Cars vs. cars. Transformers and Avengers. Like Scott.

On his sister:
My sister lies and gets in trouble a lot. She loses responsibility points and gets consequences a lot. She loves me a lot and cares about me. I know that because ever since I was a baby, she loved me. But when I was a baby she used to step on me and hurt me. So she cares about me and loves me and gets in trouble a lot. The end.

On his future:
My future is going to be like awesome. Good, sometimes bad. I might argue in the future. I want to be a fighter-fighter and a police with my Dad. It would be cool to be a fighter-fighter because you can save people and spray out fires. It’s cool to be police because you get to carry a gun and a walkie-talkie. They get to carry a laser gun. I’m going to have a dog, a cat, a hamster and a donkey…..erase donkey…..I mean a horse, a cow and a chicken and a duck. I might have a wife and I might have kids but I’m scared that I’m gonna get in a lot of fights so maybe no wife or kids.

On getting adopted:
I want to get adopted so bad. I want all this to be over really badly but it needs to take 6 months or to do a lot more paperwork so that’s why I want to get adopted. It would make me happy and excited because we get to live with my parents forever and they get to be my parents forever.

On his favorite family tradition:
My favorite to-do is going on vacations, going on trips, playing a lot of board games, playing “middle in the monkey”, and seeing new people that we don’t know and seeing Grandma, Papa, Becky, Gary, Mike, Patti, Dennis and Lori. I like playing Sorry! and Dominoes. I like Apples to Apples because you get to play with 3 people and you get to try and choose cards with what the card says. Scott doesn’t like us to play with us because he says we don’t make sense and he never wins the green cards. He helps me learn good sportsmanship. When I win, I say “nice try.” When they win, I say “good game.”

Typed by WB:
my fafrit coire is red. myfafrit food  is macandcees and pesouz.my fafrit game is avegrs.myfafrit move is big hroe 6 andspas jam.and trasformrs.Love wondr boy.

*This post brought to you by a calm Sunday afternoon and bribes of jelly beans for each answer. We can’t believe this little cuddly nugget we welcomed into our home as a 5 year old is about to turn 8 and be a sincere and affectionate little man! Translated typing from above paragraph: My favorite color is red. My favorite food is mac and cheese and pizza. My favorite game is Avengers. My favorite movie is Big Hero 6 and Space Jam. And transformers. Love, WonderBOY*

And just because it’s cute – a glimpse of his “notes” from church this morning: