WonderGIRL takes over the blog….

  WonderGIRL on cleaning the house:
When I clean the house, it feels somewhat fun because I am in imagination world. I use the broom as a microphone and I feel like Cinderella when I’m cleaning the bathroom. It’s so cool how creative you can be when you’re just having fun. You can do it whenever you want. I’m not always happy when I’m cleaning because I get frustrated. Chores seem fun to me and other people think that’s weird (like my Mama) but I don’t care because I like it.

On earning her cell phone:
I’m trying to earn a cell phone and it feels really difficult because I have to earn points, then I get it taken away, then I have to re-earn the points. I am hoping I earn my phone by this Saturday….so I can actually use it. I’m going to put all my friends’ phone numbers in it, I’m going to have so much fun, but I have to give it to Mama at the end of the night and I’m not very happy about that. I wish I had it right now so I could be texting my friends. It’s also a good lesson for me because I feel like I should get it, even though I have to work for it and I have to pay my monthly bill and can learn lessons from Mama on how to make good life choices. *future blog post about this topic is coming…. 

 On her brother:
Oh boy….my brother is the most important thing to me. He’s always been there when I’m sad or crying telling me to smile again. I love him and his energetic spirit. He’s my everything. If that were to go away, I wouldn’t be me. He’s my world. He’s my life. I love him. He’s crazy and sometimes annoying, but that just makes him him. I’m annoying too and that’s what makes us human. (insert skeptical look from Mama) It does – mistakes make us human!!!

On her future:
My future is going to be great. I think I’m gonna be a great Mom and have a great husband – I’m also going to change the world by helping people not litter. I’m going to teach children to be the best they can be and help them make bad choices. I’m a teenager so I do but I am hoping I can help them change their ways. And that’s it.

On getting adopted:
I really want to get adopted….ever since I came to live with Mrs. Hoelzle. A week later it was the only house I wanted to be in. I trust them and love them. They are my hope and everything. Sometimes I wish I didn’t live here because I get in trouble but that’s just me being difficult. My Mama has done everything for me and I love her. She helps me with homework, I roll my eyes, I give her attitude and she still cares. Scott always says he will never give up and they love me no matter what. Getting adopted is all I really want. And that’s all I got.

On her favorite family tradition:
My favorite thing we do as a family is probably going on vacations and doing our one-year live-a-verssaries. That shows me that no matter how long we’re here with them they love us. I know I’m difficult and sometimes I don’t really want to admit it because then I feel bad, ya, but celebrating those traditions is showing love and affection for each other. I like celebrating like going out to dinner or having big activities planned here at my house. I just like the time I get to spend with them.

*I love recording her thoughts as we move along these teenage years – she is maturing so much. We are so proud of her and how much she is learning in school, but mostly in LIFE! Love you sweet Sis! ❤️