Not a morning person? A few “life hacks”…

to save the day your sanity until you get that first sip of sweet, sweet nectar from the Gods coffee in your mouth on the way to work (I’m sure you sense the desperation here….)

Breakfast Options:
Smoothies – I’ve been loving creating green smoothies with this protein shake blend with berries, kale/spinach, banana and almond milk. Smoothie making? Pretty annoying and takes too long for me. I try to get all the leg work out of the way but chopping up my veggies and fruits into portion size baggies and freezing them. Then I can just grab one, add the almond milk into the blender and do my other morning kitchen routines while it blends.
 Whole foods – I try to give my kiddos and myself a variety of grab and go items that are NOT processed but can still fill up our tummies on the way to school. Hard-boiled eggs made in large batches are always in our fridge as is some sort of oatmeal concoction. What you see here in these plastic baggies may look like mush but they are left-overs from our Easter breakfast of baked oatmeal. Heat up, add a little milk, and they are fresh and delicious. WonderBOY and I especially like carrying these to school with us to enjoy after we drop off WG at middle school. We have also done oatmeal muffins and breakfast burritos in batches to have in our fridge before as well.

Vitamins, supplements, and medicine….oh my – I have begun taking daily supplements that help me process food, curb my snacking urges, and sustain overall health and I love them so far (I’d love to share!!!). My only barrier was taking each one out of their separate bottles took too much time and I often could not stick with this program on a daily basis. I bought everyone in our family their own pill containers and filled them up with whatever they needed daily. For my wonders, this includes their vitamins and daily medicine dosages. For me, my supplements all in one spot to easily grab. The other plus to this is being able to grab these and take them with us in the car if we’re in a super scary rush!
Managing a morning routine was the one lesson from our insta-parenting journey that was quite a rude awakening for me. I already struggled bigtime with getting myself out of bed and ready to work on time….now I had to make sure other human beings did the same thing? It was definitely a hot mess for a while at the start, but now we have a pretty smooth gig going thanks to some of these “hacks” and a few wonderful products that help us stay healthy and rested throughout our days.