“Invisible thread of compassion”

Tonight was a hard night. And when its hard and behaviors/feelings seem to be drowning the littles and pulling me down with them – I usually then find solace in some tv, a little wine, and some internet scrolling. And sometimes, I stumble across the exact words I needed to hear. So maybe, just maybe…..you are in need of these words as well. I love this blogger’s spin on “defeated’ and the invisible thread that holds us together and really, holds us up above the water so we don’t drown.

So to all the mama and papas that struggled tonight….you did good. Bed and a new day are near my friend…..

Foster Moms Blog (great blog – check it out)
And here I am wanting to remind myself that defeated is not getting back up or wanting to try again. Defeated is not feeling hopeful, or finding quiet moments to go deep inside and sit with the self that you know you are. Foster care can just defeat bright hopes and idyllic hearts. There are so many ways the unpredictability, the casual and unusual pains weighs on us, and leave us feeling defeated. Maybe you’re feeling that tonight too. Maybe tough behavior, tough days and endless uncertainty is making your day tough right alongside me. Friends, tomorrow we’ll get up again and try. Defeat is when there are no voices of solidarity or support. If you’re feeling this- here’s our solidarity – our togetherness. I’m in it too. We’re in it together and moving through it. And I’m working on memorizing the Loving Compassion meditation so I can hold onto compassion for myself and then in turn offer it freely to those I love, perhaps especially when it’s hard. We are exhausted. We are mending broken hearts and weathering tough stuff. And while it actually feels like it, we’re not yet defeated. Tomorrow when I rise and begin again I’ll think of the one or two others who are in the midst of this with me. Us. And there is our invisible thread of compassion – tying all of us together.

Worn out and waking tomorrow to hold compassion and connection in my days. Right beside you.

So while my affirmation last week was “I am perfectly supported”, I may just tweak it a bit to affirm that “My wonders are perfectly supported” over and over, until I can find some solace in that belief.

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