Daily Oils – Mama edition

Now that I have completely immersed myself in this lovely natural world of solving all of life’s problems daily ailments and struggles with our oils, many people are interested in how they work, how to use them, and if they really work. I thought I would do a 3-part blog series that outlines how our family uses them on a daily basis. Today, I will talk about my own personal use and how they help this busy, tired, complicated Mama take on a career, some hobbies, and the adventure of raising kiddos day in and day out.IMG_4062I love using oils in my diffuser – I play with different recipes, but I love Bergamot or LIme combined with something like Lavender or Cedarwood. I feel like these blends make our house/kitchen smell amazing but they also aid in helping some anxieties and general attitude that float around our house with two higher-needs kiddos and some outside stressors that we can’t control.

On myself – my all-time favorite oil blend that I use every single day is Balance. I pretty much lather myself up in it (apply to back of neck, spine, and feet with a carrier oil like coconut oil) every day but especially when my kiddos are driving me a little batty is when I truly feel it’s value. I love combining it with other oils like citrus bliss (smells like an orangecicle!) or rosemary for added benefits.

Since I work at an elementary school and come in contact with 340 germy little angels on a daily basis – keeping from getting sick is very important to me. We use the On Guard oils and products on our bodies, in the diffuser, and to clean our house (laundry detergent and hand soap to be specific) and none of us have been gotten seriously sick this entire school year – it’s an On Guard miracle I tell ya! When one of us does start getting a few cold or flu symptoms, we immediately go to town with a veggie cap full of oregano, frankincense, and on guard) to fight it off from the inside. It has worked multiple times this year and even on our weekend road trip last weekend, so once again – these oils truly save my days!
IMG_4063One last product that I love is the skin care line. I have just started getting serious about taking care of this aging face of mine and I love the products of this line. They smell amazing and keep my skin super smooth and ready for days with or without makeup. I generally wash my face at night so slathering this trio on right before bed is a treat and feels like a mini-spa vacation each night.

Coming up in this series tomorrow is our we use our oils to help our school-age kiddos. I will also document how to help partners and husbands AND explain a little bit about the business side that I have grown to love so much.

If you have read enough to dive in and empower yourself with everything you will need to keep your family healthy and sane, head to my oils website to sign up. Under the “join and save” tab, you just enter some personal information, pick your favorite starter kit, and within a week’s time, you will have products in your hot little hands to start playing with. Plus, February is an awesome time to join with the option of getting $100 in free oils just for signing up this month. Message me with any questions and as always, no pressure here….I just want to spread the information and true power I feel with these to as many people as I can to help their family grow and thrive just like mine!

Also, if you aren’t ready to dive in yet but want me to come teach a class for you and some friends, I’m totally available to do that too – just message me and we’ll go from there!!

Happy oily weekend everyone!

One thought on “Daily Oils – Mama edition

  1. Patti, thank you so much for showing me how I can use these oils in my life. They have helped me so much in my everyday living!! Every time I find one that takes away my pain or my insomnia or anxiety….I feel like a little miracle has just taken place in my life. This is coming from someone with several auto-immune disorders which encourage doctors to throw heavy duty meds at me with a list of side affects that create a whole other set of problems. These awesome oils have replaced several of those drugs and have given me more relief than any drugs ever did!!
    I’m in love with “Doterra oils” and am looking forward to learn new ways to use them in m life and share them with my friends!!

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