A blog is like so 2009….

And I am completely okay with that. Now that all of the sparkly pretty blogs are popular, making money, attracting gazillions of views a day, I can squeeze in and do what I want. Write random musings of my chaotic, but mostly boring life while possibly making you laugh. Maybe I could spread a little website goodness around to others looking for a quick minute of inspiration, advice, and perhaps just a bit of escape whenever you need it.

A little bit about the name of my blog – I am obsessed with oxymorons. Words strung together that shouldn’t be together but normal people kind of like that because when do words, things, people ever go together without a little bit of contradiction and mess right? Oxymorons make me (and my lovable but crazy family) feel NORMAL. Imagine true shenanigans….go ahead, close your eyes….is it a circus behind those eyelids? a playgound filled with 2 year olds? your bathroom? your hoarding room that you always have to shut the door before peeps come over? your heart?

Loving these little annoying phrases might be the libra in me coming out in full force. Two scales trying to find balance, forcing her even keel on everyone, indecisive….you name it, I fit it. I love being organized, but I am terribly messy. I love food, but hate to cook. I hate clothes, but love shopping. I love road trips, but really hate driving. I long for social relationships, but will often choose a quiet night at home over a raucous night out. I hate conflict, yet I’m pretty good at solving it.

My list could go on and on, yet here is my main truth – my life, like all of yours, is filled with stressors like two jobs, foster kiddos, traumatic backgrounds, abusive stories, homemaking and my own ridiculously high standards of living – this is my shenanigans. And the only way I know how to simplify that madness is to simply EMBRACE it. Label it as my normal, my daily purpose, and love it for making me the person I am today.

My intentions for SIMPLE SHENANIGANS –
1. A consistent place to write down my thoughts, my inspirations, my story to be preserved forever.
2. Spread a little mama/girl love to my friends and family with links, resources, articles that might help with life, choosing joy, parenthood, Bachelor in Paradise commentary, or whatever else might spring to life here.
3. Not be annoying (if I’m being honest, that is my goal in most new and vulnerable situations).